using glass for a more kid-friendly home

Tempered Or Insulated Glass...Which Is The Best Material For Your Replacement Windows?

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When you are tired of watching treated air escape through your windows and knowing that it’s a bit like throwing small amounts of your money away every day, it’s time to invest in new glass for those units. Even though there are several options to choose from, two popular options that present with unique insulative and protective properties are tempered and insulated glass. Therefore, when you need to be sure that you will get the maximum benefit from the glass in your new windows and you have narrowed down the choices to those two, the following facts are likely to be quite helpful:…

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Energy Saving Ideas For A Summer Cottage

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If you have a summer cottage, then you understand the importance of keeping it cool. You don’t want to spend the weekend at a sweltering cottage. It won’t be an escape from the heat of the city. So, that means that you will want to have it cool. This might mean air conditioning units (for when it’s really hot and humid out) so that you can sleep at night, or it might mean screen doors and fans that help to circulate the air.…

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Three Reasons To Switch To A Glass Storefront For Your Retail Store

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If your retail store does not have a glass storefront, now might be the time to make some changes. Even though all stores certainly don’t have to have a glass storefront in order to be successful, it can be a good choice for your average retail store. These are a few reasons why. 1. Provide a More Welcoming Atmosphere When people approach your building, you probably want to make them feel as comfortable and welcome as possible.…

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